The Kingdom Gospel Story

Once upon a time, there was a good King with an expansive kingdom. Because the King was a good ruler, everything functioned well in his kingdom. There was no sickness, no death, no injustice, no dishonesty...

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Zach Lee
Should Christians Tithe?

To tithe or not to tithe? That is the question…or at least a good question. And how we answer leads to other questions: Gross or net? What if in debt? Should we give 10% of everything, including Christmas presents, birthday gifts, and tax refunds? Do we have to give to a local church or can we just give to whomever we choose?...

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Geoff Ashley
Calvin Killed a Man

Tomorrow, October 27, marks the 464th anniversary of the execution of Michael Servetus for the crime of heresy. Given that this occurred within Geneva, the home of the Reformer, John Calvin, with his knowledge and consent, many have perceived this incident as a mark against his life and ministry…

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Geoff Ashley
Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?

For many, Halloween is just about friends, fun, and candy. For others, Halloween is about something darker. Every October, someone asks me whether or not Christians can celebrate Halloween due to the pagan elements in the holiday. I think that is a fair question...

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Zach Lee
Making Sense of Slavery in the Scriptures

There is a popular argument that goes something like this: The Bible allows for slavery. Slavery is intrinsically immoral. Therefore, Scripture allows for something intrinsically immoral. Such syllogisms sting a bit. So, what are we to do with the fact that no definitive disapproval of slavery is explicitly expressed…

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Geoff Ashley
How Do I Actually Disciple My Wife?

“Pursue your wife.” “Men are called to shepherd their home.” “Lead your wife spiritually.” These, and phrases like them, get thrown around in evangelicalism so much that they begin to lose their meaning. But what does it actually mean to “lead your wife”…

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Zach Lee
Should I Take Communion Before Being Baptized?

The question of taking communion before partaking in baptism might sound silly to some. While it doesn't arise much in Presbyterian, Methodist or other paedobaptist traditions, it certainly comes up within churches that practice believer's baptism. So, how might we think through a proper response...

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Geoff Ashley
Going To The Source

What does Scripture say you are to do when you have a criticism or complaint against another in the church? When you have been offended or insulted or slandered or otherwise possess any semblance of cause for concern?...

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Geoff Ashley
Anselm, Unicorns, and the Ontological Argument

This fall we begin our study on the doctrine of God in our Theological Equipping Class. Our first lesson is on the traditional “proofs” for God’s existence. One of the more well known arguments or proofs for God’s existence is called the “Ontological Argument.” Despite the Ontological Argument’s helpfulness in arguing for the existence of God, it is often…

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Zach Lee
Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?

Many liturgical traditions faithfully recite the Apostles Creed as part of their regular worship services, and very few even less-liturgical local churches would have any concerns whatsoever in professing the vast majority of the clauses included in the creed. But the statement, “He descended to hell” causes a great many today to pause as they reflect upon the creed…

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Geoff Ashley
Is Generational Sin a Real Thing?

Years ago I remember speaking to a lady in Georgia who was troubled about something known as “generational sin” or a “generational curse.” She was concerned that her life might have some type of hex or curse on it because there had been so much sin in her family...

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Zach Lee
Why Covenant Membership?

Words like duty and promise, pledges and vows, oaths and formal agreements seem like concepts from the distant past. Contemporary Western cultures are enthralled by choice and committed primarily to the preservation of the freedom to withdraw, move on, reconsider and renegotiate. We are faithful to our spouses until fidelity is uncomfortable and inconvenient. We are loyal...

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Geoff Ashley
The Church and Israel

Who are God’s chosen people? Israel, the church, or both? What should we think about the nation of Israel today? Is a Jew who doesn’t believe in Jesus still in a saving, covenant relationship with God? Does God have a separate plan for Israel than he does for the church? Should promises made to Israel in the Old Testament be applied to the church today?...

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Zach Lee
What Happens To Infants When They Die?

Apart from Christ, all mankind is spiritually dead, enslaved to passions and desires of the flesh, and "by nature children of wrath." One of the common questions that rises out of this understanding of man's innate and devastating depravity is how this doctrine applies to infants (and those with certain developmental disabilities). In particular, does this mean that infant...

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Geoff Ashley
Is a Christian a “Sinner?”

On the one hand there are people who are surprised when they (or other Christians) sin because they assume that, since they are in Christ, they should be able to live a near-perfect life. On the other hand, are those who see their own depravity clearly but fail to realize that their identity is in Christ’s successes and not in their failures...

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Zach Lee
Sovereign Over the Small Stuff

This past weekend we looked at Ephesians 1:3-10 and encountered the mammoth theological concept of predestination. Predestination is but one facet of God's sovereignty. God's sovereignty in general refers to His rule and reign over all things, whereas predestination typically refers to His rule in the realm of salvation...

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Geoff Ashley
Moving Beyond “Did You Have Fun?”

“Did you have fun?” I have heard parents ask their children this question literally thousands of times. I’ve asked it of my own kids as well; it’s a pretty standard question when reuniting with them after being separated for some activity or function. It’s often used deftly as an icebreaker to begin a conversation with your kids about their experience...

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Carl Brower
Fighting the Bonds of Legalism

I know that there are many Christians, like myself, who struggle with trying to earn God’s favor (which is how I’m defining “legalism” in this post). I know my identity is not as a legalist but as an adopted child of God. However, as a perfectionist who grew up in a church that didn’t properly teach about grace, I’m always striving to earn God’s favor...

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Zach Lee
Annihilating Annihilationism

Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite topic…hell! I’m obviously kidding. I know that talking about hell is literally the worst thing we can talk about. But the Bible talks about it so, from time to time, we need to as well....

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Zach Lee
The Scars We’re Slow to Show

To this day, I am scared of the water because of Jaws. There is a powerful scene on the Orca where Quint, Brody and Hooper are showing scars and swapping stories. The setting is buoyant and cheerful as each scar is revealed and story rehearsed from sheets of skin and bone...

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Geoff Ashley